VMware PowerCLI 10.0 Released!
VMware PowerCLI 10.0 was released last week. The most notable enhancement in this release is official multi-platform support for Mac OS and Linux. Linux and...
VMware PowerCLI 10.0 was released last week. The most notable enhancement in this release is official multi-platform support for Mac OS and Linux. Linux and...
If you’re not familiar with Vester it’s a really cool, light-weigth approach to configuration management for your vSphere environment. You can check out the...
The vCenter 6.5 appliance introduced a new, built-in backup process that can be accessed through the VAMI interface. On one of my vCenters the backup would r...
I was recently uprading a vCenter Server Appliance from 6.0 to 6.5 and ran into an interesting error during the upgrade pre-check. It identified that the ap...
While working on a new plugin for the popular vCheck tool, I wanted to find the most common recommendations for the ESXi advanced settings pertaining to NFS/...
I recently wanted to know what the default setting was for a few of the ESXi advanced settings. Since there’s no telling what has been changed on many of my...
I’ve been thinking about setting up a small Minecraft server for a while now. It’s a great game for kids and can also serve as an educational tool. As a qu...
Welcome to my new IT/tech related blog! I’ve been exploring GitHub pages and Jekyll and it is looking like a pretty cool blogging platform.